Choice's Stories

“My first experience with Choice was in December 2008. I received a phone call from the Boston Police, my brother Bob, the only support to my disabled brothers, had died. Some of it is pretty hazy now. I was numb. I talked to a number of people in a short space of time, including Chip Zigulis, a client at Choice; Chip had called Choice. Even though my brothers Roy and William were not clients of Choice at the time, ‘the ‘boss’( Chip’s words) immediately sent a support person over to see how they could help. Support Coordinator Cheri Nelson went over to help them. She quickly assessed their situation and Choice immediately implemented a support strategy, closely monitoring and supporting them for several days until I could fly out. 

Roy and William subsequently became clients of Choice and have been ever since. My brothers have been able to live in their house independently with Choice's help. Their social abilities and personal lives have continued to improve and they are doing very well. Immediately after Bob died I feared I would either have to move them to Arizona or I would have to move to Boston. Neither of those options would have been good ones. They prefer to live in Boston and I was not ready to retire or move back to Boston. Thanks to Choice we are all where we want to be and I continue to be grateful for their work supporting my brothers.”  Richard Connolly - Family Member (Pleasant Valley, Arizona)

“My experience has allowed me to work and interact with people at various points in their lives. 
I take pride in having the opportunity to help individuals achieve their personal goals and enrich their lives. My work is challenging, but to watch how much people have grown, knowing that I’ve had an impact in their lives makes it worthwhile.”  David Barber – Former Choice Employee


“Throughout my 26.5 years in the Human Service field, I have met numerous individuals with varying disabilities who, despite their struggles, do not allow their disabilities to prevent them from doing what they want to do in life. It may take them a little longer but with on-going support and through self perseverance, their goals are accomplished. These individuals inspire me, both in my work and personal lives.”  Hyacinth Whitt – Choice Employee

“Despite the possible stressors that one may run into while working in this field; one good thing is that no two work days are alike. There is great satisfaction knowing that my work helps to improve the quality of life for others. Being able to see positive growth within every individual that I support is empowering. I am proud to be part of the movement at Choice providing enriching and fulfilling life supports to those in need of a helping hand, and deserving of a better life.”  Cheri Nelson – Former Choice Employe